Funshine Bear...
Two years ago today Shymmer died. Two years ago on Valentine's Day I got on a stage and spoke about him at Equality Maryland's rally, and about all the other queer kids who face the same discrimination, bigotry, hatefulness that he faced.
I miss him, achingly much. Thinking about his death makes me angry -- at the people who mistreated him, yes, but at myself, too, because I'm not doing anything anymore; my life has fallen to pieces and I'm certainly not doing anything good or worthwhile. And as long as people to continue sitting around not doing anything worthwhile, all the discrimination and bigotry and hatefulness will continue.
And I'm just not sure these days what, if anything, I can even do to make even the tiniest difference.
(and I miss him.)
I miss him, achingly much. Thinking about his death makes me angry -- at the people who mistreated him, yes, but at myself, too, because I'm not doing anything anymore; my life has fallen to pieces and I'm certainly not doing anything good or worthwhile. And as long as people to continue sitting around not doing anything worthwhile, all the discrimination and bigotry and hatefulness will continue.
And I'm just not sure these days what, if anything, I can even do to make even the tiniest difference.
(and I miss him.)